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Articles of Interest
by Bobbi Gay
It is my heart's desire to give to anyone who would benefit high quality transformative articles. We realize that people who are moving into soul alignment often find themselves "hanging out in the dangle." Quite often people are forced to reevaluate a present job or living arrangement, which can result in far less financial resources. Or a wake up call may come in the form of financial disruption. Many powerful and wonderful people are financially strapped right now. We are not solely interested in selling products here at the Self Empowerment Center @ LightSeed.com, we are interested in helping people transform their lives. We wish to seed positive change wherever possible.
So we invite you to peruse our offerings, some of which are excerpts from my book in progress. We are committed to adding new information on highly relevant topics regularly as the web site grows.We hope you will enjoy what you read, and pass the information around in the form of printouts or we are providing a service to disseminate the information for you. Using the box provided at the end of each article, simply fill in the E-mail address of one or more friends and we will send the information with a friendly mention of your name. This is specialized information, if you find it helpful please help us get it out by telling a friend.
In light and love, Bobbi Gay
Emotional Factoids 1 Understanding Emotions In contemplating how to convey all I've learned working experientially with my own and others emotions, I decided to list many of my emerging observations along with the companion article called Processing Emotions Effectively. The information when combined gives an effective overview on emotions. Fresh and new information! Excerpted from my book in progress. More ...Energy Monitoring Twenty years ago I had a complete physical collapse that lasted two long years. My recovery dictated that I learn where I was spending my energy. Having paid such a heavy price myself I long to help others avoid the consequences of such an overwhelming energy depletion. I realize now I was spending my lifeforce energy on things that didn't support me. This article will help you call back your power so it feeds your body and soul. It is an excerpt from my book in progress called Loss of Eden. More ...Flower Essence FAQ This is a compilation of questions people might have when they are considering trying flower essences for the first time. More ...Flower Essence History Flower Essences were developed in modern times by Edward Bach a well known British medical doctor. This article will introduce you to the beginnings of these wonderful little tools. More ...Getting the Most Out Of Flower Essences Flower essences can be a real blessing. I have noticed that many of the new techniques and tools offer even better results if we learn how to use them. This article will explain some of the awareness that will heighten your results as you work with any flower essence. More ...Getting the Most Out of Somatics Somatics is a truly amazing system for reducing muscular tension and pain either from injury or from the accumulated stresses of life. It does this by removing patterns of contraction from the brain where they are maintained. Aching or burning in the muscles indicates that the muscle tissue is holding tension and contraction. Although massage and bodywork can provide relief, as soon as life's challenges appear so does the tension and holding. Somatics retrains the brain to go back to it's original state of relaxation. This article will provide tips for working with the Somatics exercises. More ...Jacquelyn Small In my twelve years of training in alternative techniques nothing could compare to my experiences with Jacquelyn Small and her organization called Eupsychia. This article tells a little bit about a generous, tireless planetary worker and her work. More ...Letting Go of Your Grief I wrote this article recently because I noticed many people were dealing with the heaviness and frustration of much grief. It is my intention that it will help provide clarity and relief for many people. More ...Making Flower Essences As I write this, out there, all around the planet specialized workers are creating familiar, and new flower essence solutions. Learn a little bit about how it's done. More ...Memory Repression and Healing This is an introduction to the subject of memory repression and the accompanying loss of lifeforce and soul. Many people these days are feeling distress because their repressed traumatic memories are pushing up and out for release. Sometimes this comes only in the form of strongly reactive responses or troubling body memories.
Yet, some of our most credentialed "experts" in their university settings are saying the phenomena doesn't exist. This is both disowning and crazy making. Any open minded person who spends a little time with people who are releasing traumatic memory would have to seriously consider what they see. This is written to reassure and inform those whose healing dictates that they deal with repressed information and experience. More ...Process for Shifting Limiting Belief Patterns I wanted to put what I had learned about this crucial subject of changing belief patterns into an understandable process. This is one to print out and work with. This is an excerpt from my book in progress Loss of Eden. More ...Processing Emotions Effectively Emotional energy can get stuck and jammed in the body and energy field. This article represents my best attempt to articulate what we can do to let go and release pent up emotional energy. Excerpted from Loss of Eden, a work in progress. More ...Relaxation We hear the word relaxation and think we know what it means. I'm pretty darn sure you will learn something new if you read this article. Your body and spirit will thank you for investing the time! More ...Soul Searching There are certain pathways that produce rich results when one wishes to connect with their soul. This is an introduction to some reliable areas of exploration. More ...Stanislav Grof Learn a little bit about one of the clearest and most visionary thinkers of our times. Stan Grof is a psychiatrist who has dedicated his working life to discovering the underlying structures of the human mind. He explains and articulates many things never adequately addressed by traditional psychology. Hats off to you Stan! More ...Vibrational Healing Overview The universe is a scintillating vibrating collection of energy patterns. This article introduces some of the new information that is moving us toward understanding everything as energy. This will eventually revolutionize health care. More ...Vital Thoughts This is a collection of stimulating questions. When one comprehends these questions especially over a period of time deep level change begins to open up. Life becomes more interesting and vital, thus the name of the article. More ... Wisdom Channel What if I told you there was a powerful force for good out there broadcasting a pure stream of high quality energy and information round the clock. And what if I told you the great soul's behind this gratifying food source wanted you to have it free of charge. Learn a little about the wisdom which is available by satellite, radio, computer and soon your cable station. (Call your cable carrier and ask for the Wisdom Channel today). More ...
"Seeding positive change."
hey, if you feel inspired, drop me a line at Bobbi@LightSeed.com
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Griswold CT 06351
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