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Jacquelyn Small

by Bobbi Gay


There is some superior work going on around our changing planet. None however can compare to the work of Jacquelyn Small. For that reason I have written an article to introduce you to a body of work and to experiential opportunities you can count on. Jacquelyn Small has been serving humanity for many years in many ways. I remember a few years ago she flew to Boston to honor a workshop commitment that wound up snowed out with few attendants. On the way to dinner that night she mentioned in a non-complaining way, that her airfare and accommodations were not even going to be covered by the workshop proceeds. With not a trace of resentment she said that this was part of service. She gave her all in that workshop and I was once again impressed by her honest desire to be of service, which is an urge we both share.

I could never convey all of what Jacquie Small has given me, but I'd like to try to touch on some of it. About a decade ago I became captivated by the work of Stanislav Grof MD I wanted very much to learn more about his work. I found out that an author named Jacquelyn Small was traveling around offering his breathwork technique in a workshop context. I went to see her in Boston and there was some kind of confusion between Small and her hosts and as a result, they changed the subject matter of the lecture. I was electrically excited to hear a workshop about bridging from current models of psychology to a new model that encompasses spirituality. Instead I got a two hour talk on addictions, which was meant to lead into the next day's workshop on addictions. I wasn't attending that workshop and so I felt ripped off and angry.

I had fought exhaustion, I was a new mother with two small kids. I had persuaded my husband to drive the four hour round trip with me which meant scheduling our work around this. I had spent money we badly needed on the tickets, gas, parking, and baby-sitter. I had a struggle getting a good sitter. We fought traffic and had to find this place in Boston, as well as find parking.

All the while I was glowing with anticipation of a talk about bridging two paradigms in psychology. I couldn't believe my ears when they casually announced the whole subject was being changed. In great resentment I listened respectfully to Jacquelyn Small. The many aforementioned efforts and sacrifices keep running through my head. Occasionally, she would make a passing remark about the breathwork and I would get all happy and excited. During a break I heard someone say Jacquie was training people in the Grof technique, so I picked up some brochures.

Although I wasn't crazy about her I could tell this was an unusually powerful woman. I could tell she was comfortable with the contents of the unconscious, and that appealed to me. I decided to attend a six day intensive with Jacquelyn Small structured around the breathwork. It was like I walked through a door and my life went from black and white to color. Nothing has ever been the same for me and once you energetically feel the space they create at Eupsychia you will never feel quite so alone, again. I often tell people that the trust and love they create is what the next level of spiritual and emotional development we humans are moving toward must feel like. The sense of support and safety is huge. It felt like "coming home".

It is like finding yourself in the safest place you can imagine. There is a quality of unconditional acceptance and individual respect unlike any I've ever experienced. What Jacquie taught me is to trust the process of life and to trust the process of consciousness evolution. She has many sides and each is a teacher, but the main message is that you can empower yourself by going within and learning how to work with the material that comes up. This is a profoundly optimistic and benevolent stance. It requires what I would call radical self trust and Jacquie's organization Eupsychia Institute instills that pattern. That self trust is exactly what allows you to transcend old patterns. As you begin to take your life process seriously great things happen. Yet there is a paradoxically light and playful quality to this work.

Today I am infinitely richer on every level for having trained with Jacquie Small. I have encoded very deeply an imprint of how they work and how they create safety and self trust. I feel "stamped" with something very special for having trusted the training. I highly value my training and certification in Psycho-Spiritual Integration and Integrative Breathwork. On a personal level there is no comparison between before and after. I am a very different person for having done my own work. I feel much more "involved" in my life. I feel many subtle and not so subtle feeling states I was unfamiliar with before this work. Life has richness, texture and excitement. I have found love and joy. I owe Jacquie enormous gratitude for all those who I've been able to touch with my work. She was the only one who fed that flame for planetary service that I carry inside. As I write this I feel tears of gratitude for a woman who has made a difference with her life. The Self Empowerment Center @ LightSeed.com is the direct result of this infusion of inspiration and sustenance. For that reason I would like you to get to know Jacquie Small, through some arena of her work be it her books Awakening in Time or Embodying Spirit . Through her tapes Your Conscious Self /Audio Cassette (her voice is both soothing and transporting I use them in my workshops and people light up). Or most especially through the experience of attending one of her workshops.

Jacquie is a master of transformation. She is deeply familiar with all the places we get stuck on our path and she offers realistic guidance and confidence. Her personhood in a workshop environment deeply and almost organically touches the soul. You can look at the faces of people listening to her talk and see them glowing with inspiration and hope, she evokes a right brain response and that heals. Yet she is well grounded in left brain information and training. She can function from both hemispheres, and I consider her a whole brain thinker. She is balanced and loving in her approach to healing.

Jacquelyn Small has authored a number of books on healing, she also makes healing tapes, does workshops and is interviewed in a number of cutting edge publications. If you want to meet parts of yourself you've never known. If you are ready to be self responsible and self responsible. If you want to find inner courage and strength, if you want a deeply healing experience, by all means attend one of her six day retreats. This work touches the soul in the deepest and best way possible. The love and wisdom you find there will continue to feed you long after you are home.

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