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> Self-Empowerment Center > Articles
> Stanislav Grof MD
by Bobbi Gay
I began reading hundreds
of books concerning psychology about twelve years ago. The first couple
hundred or so were to get some background in psychology. I read whole
bodies of work from many of the luminaries in psychology. I wanted a reasonable
understanding of the human psyche. As I went along a couple major discoveries
unfolded. Three notions were to define my future work. These three things
were, that the healer is within, that the body holds unfinished business
as stuck energy, and lastly that emotional and energetic releases result
in greater balance and order in the mind, body, spirit and emotions. A guiding light for
me has been that rapid and complete change can occur when certain conditions
are met. Transformation of our unwanted patterns is possible!! I had embraced
these ideas a bit at a time as I read and studied. Then one day I heard
about this author who wrote a book about transpersonal psychology. Transpersonal
psychology was a keen interest of mine and yet for a couple years I didn't
even have a name for it. I ordered several
Grof books and began with the one called Beyond
the Brain. To say it excited and electrified me is actually too mild.
It blew my mind in a delicious way. This was what I had been searching
for and I knew it with every fiber of my being. It was as if something
inside of me received an infusion of wisdom and purpose. The first time
I participated in the Grof technique called Holotropic Breathwork I had
the definitive experience of my life. This was a deep and mystical heart
opening, that reprioritized my life. I have subsequently
read Beyond the Brain five times. Although I feel as if I thoroughly
understand the material, I am always struck by the clarity of Stan Grof's
thought processes. I am personally and professionally enriched every time
I pick it up, paradoxically I feel as if I'm learning all over again at
a deeper level. All the reading I had done prior to Beyond the Brain,
culminated in a "felt" recognition of the brilliance in his work. He understands the
human psyche like no one else. He has intellectual courage, and has been
willing to stand up for what he has been discovering in his over thirty
years of consciousness research. His work embodies the notion that the
healer lies within. It points to radical self trust as a stance in life.
It embodies the notion that whatever comes up from inside is ultimately
self healing no matter what form it takes. In addition it points to tensions
held inside as the cause of many psychological disturbances. Stan Grof's model
of the psyche is vast in comparison to "ego psychologies." It encompasses
the biographical dimension so familiar in mainstream psychology, as well
as gestation, birth, and bonding as formative experiences. In addition
it encompasses the realms of experiences termed transpersonal. These are
internal experiences that transcend ordinary everyday reality. These kinds
of experiences are intrinsically healing and balancing and come from an
internal place of deep wisdom. These inner healing mechanisms demonstrate
great intelligence when we flow into these experiences and subsequently
integrate them. Stan Grof has written
numerous books each of which are
original in content and high quality. Beyond
the Brain is his most definitive, yet complex work, while Holotropic
Mind is geared for the general audiences. He has contributed scores
and scores of journal articles to the transpersonal literature. Along
with Abraham Maslow he founded the transpersonal movement in psychology.
This will be the psychology of the future as we "wake up" to our true
nature and potential. A number of years ago with his then wife Christina
Grof, Stan was instrumental in helping to found The Spiritual Emergence
Network, an organization designed to support people who find themselves
having unusual experiences that don't fit into the mainstream model. In
addition to this he makes audio tapes such as The
Transpersonal Vision : The Healing Potential of Nonordinary States of
Consciousness and helps to organize international transpersonal conferences
where all the top people in their given fields can come together and enrich
each other. I firmly believe
his work will someday be recognized as important enough to stand with
the two giants in this field, Karl Jung and Sigmund Freud. It will provide
a point of reference and structure for those who take these ideas forward
into the new millennium. A split between Stan Grof MD and Jacquelyn Small
MSW put me in the uncomfortable position of having to choose programs
part way through my certification. I chose Jacquelyn
Small because I felt intellectually grounded in the Grof model, and
my heart responded to the heart opening process I was getting working
with Small. I regret that this "split" happened as my training only included
one six day module with Stan. Yet he will always be my intellectual hero,
the man is amazing both in the clarity of thought, the vastness of scope
and the originality he has brought to the subject of psychology. He remains
by far my single greatest intellectual influence and I am grateful for
the courage it took to explore and report his work.
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And, hey,
if you feel inspired, drop me a line at Bobbi@LightSeed.com
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P.O. Box 695 Griswold CT 06351
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