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Flower Essence Therapy: An Overview

by Bobbi Gay


Our planet and it's people are undergoing rapid change and growth right now. One of the lessons we struggle with collectively is the issue of self responsibility or self empowerment.

As systems breakdown we question whether social security, insurance coverage, and even comprehensive Medicaid will be available when the baby boomers need it. Our wish for someone to save us either as individuals or as a species is being replaced by the recognition that we must take personal responsibility for our own destiny. One result of all this breakdown is that many people are empowering themselves to take charge of their own health. They are beginning to realize that alternative modalities sometimes work as well or better than allopathic methods. These new, as well as ancient systems, are often more holistic and therefore less toxic.

Flower essences fall into a category of remedies termed vibrational. Vibrational healing recognizes that what quantum physics tells us about the world is true. This seemingly solid world is actually comprised of very tiny units of energy dancing and weaving. The way these bits interact with each other creates standing wave forms. Our brain reads and interprets these wave forms and then converts this information into sensory impressions. Easterns mystics have long grasped this notion when they describe the world as "maya" or illusion. This understanding recognizes that primary reality is energetic in nature.

A famous neurosurgeon named Karl Pribram has developed a "holographic brain theory." This theory holds that we ourselves are a hologram, the important thing to know about holograms for this discussion is that they contain within them all parts of the whole. So if a holographic image was broken into many pieces, each piece would retain an image of the whole. This might be what the Bible is referring to when it states that man was made in the likeness and image of God.

Just as every piece of DNA in your body contains a blueprint for the body, we too may contain all the information in the created universe within us. The kingdom of heaven lies within may well be a literal statement. It follows that as a single "bit" of energy or consciousness you have access to a larger Self. This Self has greater love and wisdom, the kind of awareness that can change our world.

Vibrational remedies positively impact the human organism at the level of energy. Symptoms can be viewed as condensed emotional energy or narrow rigidified beliefs. Ex: "I can't trust myself." If you think that frequently enough it creates fear and uncertainty. If you suppress or repress the fear you get energetic congestion. Conversely during trauma people energetically encode what they can't integrate, hopefully for later release and integration. Eventually, if they do nothing to deal with this traumatic emotion and experience it will begin to emerge. This may be in the form of the emotion disconnected from the memory. Or it may take the form of dreams with the strong emotional quality of the repressed experience. For example, fear and anxiety dreams, may be on the psyche's way of calling our attention to some important repressed energy. Or dreams may also be a physiological mechanism for releasing toxic levels of emotional tension. People might then expend great energy suppressing or repressing the feeling .... in addition their world view might begin to take on a quality of fear. Fearful thoughts will follow. The fearful thoughts then stir up negative emotional energy.

This situation calls for clearing both negative or limiting thoughts and any emotional baggage around that. Vibrational methods are most effective at this kind of clean sweep. They work in a variety of ways to release these condensed pockets of negativity. With the release of the contraction the energy body reconfiqures to that of the Higher Self, some might call this the Christ nature or soul. Depak Chopra refers to this as the perfect pattern for wellness and wholeness.

The results are more flow and ease. Many feel more self acceptance and self confidence - there is often a sense of more balance. Symptoms do release but even more important is that life takes on more richness. We stand at center of our own lives.

The process of making flower essences involves catching the blossom of the flower at it's peak, as close to opening as possible. Several blossoms are placed in a clear glass bowl of water which is then solarized. It sits in the morning sun for several hours. The energetic pattern is then transferred into the water by solar energy. Water is an excellent medium for carrying energy as has been reported in great detail by Larry Dossey MD. Prayer experiments have shown that plants watered with prayer charged water fared better than their control cousins. Water that was cursed negatively impacted the unlucky recipients, they were stunted and fewer sprouted.

The recognition here is that plants are our god given helpers on this planet and always have been. For an expanded perspective of their role in human healing please check out other flower essence or herbal sites on the web. The energy pattern of the flower works at the level of the energy body of the person. Just as certain herbs impact the physical body in predictable ways so do flower essences affect the human energy field.

There are flower essences for grief, anger, fear and any other emotions. There our flower essences which correct for thought distortions as well. Some thought distortions for example might be "I can't do this" or "Life is harsh" or "Men hurt me". In a related part of our website I will discuss how our belief's create our experience of our reality, and how to change Core Beliefs.

For now its important to know that thoughts are creative and we experience the results of that. Edward Bach the greater innovator of flower essences in modern times was a medical doctor. He noted that certain emotions and worldviews eventually produced disease in the body. Flower essences help reframe negative beliefs. They can do this in several ways. Firstly, they can get congested energetic stuff moving by introducing a higher frequency which through entrainment or resonance stirs up the congestion, having a tuning fork effect . This stirred up emotional energy can then be expressed and released and a subsequent lesson can then be integrated or digested.

For example someone who has trouble setting boundaries might feel stirred up resentment they might normally suppress and remain unaware of. They might then chose to use some of this energy to say, "Please pick up your own stuff. I quit." The lesson to be learned might be "I have to stick to my guns now." Or it might be, "When I set limits, I get more respect."

Another way the essences can work is by transmuting negativity. I think what happens is that the pocket of emotion is raised to a completely different vibration. Quite often a feeling of expandedness in the heart and a new more compassionate understanding of self or others follows.

Yet another way the essence can work is to bring awareness into our unconscious patterns. This gives us choice. An example might be, "I'm afraid of abandonment and so I'm pushing my mate away and rejecting him or her first. Maybe I could just ask directly for some reassurance." The ability to say the right words then flows without constriction because you are holding an expanded thought - and experiencing a greater sense of flow.

There is an expanded section on this website that will explain more about these processes for those who are interested in greater depth. That section is entitled Getting the Most Out of Your Flower Essences.

The purpose of our site is to provide cost free high quality self help information and also to make available vibrational tools created with much experience and integrity.

See Bio of Bobbi Gay and/or Mission Statement.


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And, hey, if you feel inspired, drop me a line at Bobbi@LightSeed.com
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