There are TOP SHOPS available that both empower and inform. The diverse range of products and services offered by the TOP SHOPS @ have been people tested and approved. We are dedicated to helping people transform their limiting buying patterns. Step one in transforming any pattern is knowledge of the options available and understanding of the variety from which we narrow down our choices to make a selection that is just right for us. These TOP SHOPS provide that kind of information and more.
The idea for the TOP SHOPS @ site came from the juxtaposition of several things. Alan and I have been actively searching the web for all kinds of products and services separately and together for the last several years. We explored the many companies that we could affiliate with. In a painless way we were learning a great deal about what really were TOP SHOPS and those that were not for one reason or another. Fortunately our inner guidance was excellent and we didn't waste a lot of time or money.
We realized over time that other people could greatly benefit from having an organized site that grouped together the TOP SHOPS. A place where the TOP SHOPS online were arranged and organized for everything to be available in a simple but elegant format. It was essential that diverse products, services and solutions be available quickly and easily in one place. We've tried to make it easy for you to experience the joy of "Making your Online Shopping spin like a top."
It is self empowering to be able to make a wise purchase that serves your individual needs and enriches your life.
In a moment of inspiration, we realized that it was part of our mission to provide information and networking about the diversity of books, tapes, clothing, entertainment and all the many products and services available. The necessities of life, the fun things of life. The things that you can't always find when you've moved from one location to another. The things that made us happy and enriched our lives. Now with the collection of TOP SHOPS @ we and you can have immediate access to these resources, products and services without wasting a lot of time trying to locate the shop that will meet our needs.
We all are different, that is the source of our diversity, yet in many ways we are all the same, that is the source of our unity, our oneness. We all have to shop. We all need to be able to find the right products and services that meet our own individual needs. We have been doing that for years and thus getting high quality merchandise and services from other companies to meet our needs. We've tried to make it easy for you to experience the joy of "Making your Online Shopping spin like a top."
Alan has done a lot of retail work and he is good at it and loves it. He is also skilled with the computer. Alan and I are different. But through our own diversity we have discovered many great shops that meet our personal needs.
This realization that there are TOP SHOPS available that both empower and inform came together and is manifested in our TOP SHOPS @ We are dedicated to facilitating the concept of inner empowerment through wise, conscious and conscientious purchases that meet your individual needs.
We hope you enjoy browsing through our collection of TOP SHOPS and find just what you are looking for, at the price you want. We hope that it empowers you, inspires you, brings you happiness and enriches your life.
hey, if you feel inspired, drop us a line at
Or write to us at P.O.
Box 584 Griswold CT 06351
It's always good to hear from fellow online shoppers, seekers, and explorers.
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